
Thursday, December 4, 2014

An Open Letter to My Children

Dear children,
I am sending you this with love, it is a story that I hope will shed some light on any dark corners of doubt you may have as to those yester-years of your childhood.

It all began on that stormy day in May in 1976. I was twenty-one and figured being born from a mother who raised eight kids, whose own mother raised twelve would somehow up-the-odds in speeding up the process in the delivery room. Wrong—fourteen hours later my first born learned to use his lungs LOUDLY. It was the 1970s where most of my peers were off to college or working at jobs listening to Lez Zepplin, The Rolling Stones and The Doors while I stayed home rocking my son to lullabys and nursery rhymes. Every woman in town, most of them strangers, offered me advice and even scolded me. "You better not let him sleep lying on your shoulder like that, or he'll get a stiff neck!" Somehow I managed to find my own way and Jake grew to become a happy young man. I remember those days when I was a mom with only one child, it was blissful. He was everything to me and my role as daughter and sister and even wife seemed to pale in comparison. Being a mother fulfilled a desire to give love and being loved unconditionally in return—well, that was something I was only beginning to learn.

It would be five years before my daughter Jessi was born. I remember feeling very emotional and filled with doubt. How could I possibly love another child? How could my heart stretch even further—Jake was my greatest concern. How would he be able to accept this new sibling? Well, shortly after she was born, I called to tell him the big news. I was met with, "I wanted a brother."
Soon he learned to accept her and although they were five years apart, they were good playmates. Their young lives were not born into a happy home and I was on divorce number two by the time Jessi was three. I was struggling with so many things. Trying to find balance in raising them as a single mom, was a daily battle. Meanwhile my relationship with my own parents was on the rocks.

I had exited my childhood home at the age of eighteen. My father was an alcoholic and my mother had lived with her own struggles. How could I turn to them? I was in my twenties in the 1980s and wallowing in self pity over trying to support two children—my mother had raised eight. Somehow I felt a huge gap between us, and rarely asked her for any counseling. How silly of me to allow the childhood anger that burned within me, cause me to miss out on her gifts. My own inability to recognize all she had to overcome, stopped me from seeing her wisdom. She was thirty when she had me and I was her fifth child. Why hadn't I stopped to realize all she had lived through, all she had accomplished? She was a beautiful, talented woman who chose to stay in her home and rise above any hopes, dreams or aspirations that women of today may have—and be the best mom she could. She wasn't perfect and neither was I, but my anger somehow turned inward and I began to live with a deep self-loathing. I battled depression and my diet consisted of one meal a day topped off with anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Everyone told me I looked better than ever,  and a modeling agency hired me after a few photos. Smiling for the cameras while swallowing my tears. Was this the image I wanted to show to the world? This is the home where my two happy children existed. I loved them beyond measure, but they could not mend my heart and those days feel like a blur to me. But, something happened to change all of that and it began when I faced my father. The father who had fought his alcoholic demons and won. Great, now he was the sober, fun-loving grandfather who read stories and played games with my children—somehow this felt like a slap in the face. Where was he when I needed him?

It was was Father's Day 1988 and I was about to turn thirty three. I was fiddling with some cards looking for one that held my sentiment, but all I kept finding were warm and fuzzy ones that said, "Thank you for pushing me on a swing." Did he?
"You were there to bandage my knee." Nope, I don't remember that either.
I stormed out of that store and drove straight to his house. The twenty minutes went by like a blink. I marched up the stairs and pushed through the front door. I startled my father as I found him sitting in the same place he was everyday at 3:30PM…in front of the TV watching Bullwinkle. He took one look at me and knew I was not making a social call. He clicked off the TV and stood there looking helplessly at me. “What’s wrong?” he asked. And so I told him. I had no idea he would be so open and willing to listen. We stood in his kitchen and cried together as he explained how those years of alcoholism were a blur to him and he truly loved me and ALL of my siblings. My parents agreed to attend a few therapy sessions and together we peeled back the onion skin of pent up pain, hurt and anger. What we were left with was a relationship that is indescribable. We all turned the corner and started to be more open, more trusting, better listeners and more loving. My parents became some of my closest and wisest friends.

This didn't fix all of my problems, I still had a lot of issues and one of them was self-disappointment in never pursuing my dream of becoming an artist. It was 1990 and I was commuting to an art school that was ninety miles from my home. Another failed attempt at a relationship had gone up in smoke and I was focusing on my degree to try an earn a living. It was my time to shine and shine I did quickly rising to the top of my class. But all work and no play can make a person miserable and so I began a new romance and before I knew it I was carrying another child. Art school dreams dwindled as I prepared another nursery. I had truly thought I was finished with diapers and strollers… my first child was in his mid-teens and my daughter was in the fifth grade. So began another brick in the wall of poor self-esteem as I knew I was being judged by my errors. But, how could choosing to bring a child into the world over what many would have seemed the perfect solution, a terminated pregnancy be wrong? It wasn't and although my parents had harsh words to say over this, they were rock solid with their support. When I went into labor my mother gathered Jessi into her lap as my father reached for my hand—slipping an antique silver dollar into my palm he said, "Give this to him, it's from me." I held that coin all the way there thinking of this kindness, this new and improved relationship.

My third child was born Saint Patrick's Day and oh what joy he brought into my life and indeed I felt lucky. A bouncing baby boy weighing almost ten pounds. He seemed larger than life and although I hadn't realized it, having him helped me perfect my talent as a children's illustrator. Seeing things through a child's perspective can open the door and if we stop and listen they can teach us more than ever dreamed. This child was born into a time when I was not on sleeping pills and anti depressants, no, this child was the one to remind me of my greatest achievement on earth—being a mom. He grew to a stature of over 6'4" and now I'm the one looking up.

It was through the connection of understanding my parents as PEOPLE and not only as my parents that brought me healing. They are no longer here but I have so many wonderful memories of them. We may have lived as a family unit for years, but the true "friendship" began the day I stopped and faced them. It could have gone the other way and he could have told me to get out of his home, but he didn't. His very words were, "I always knew that the day would come when one of my children would hold me accountable, I just never knew which one." It was me. Not because I am any different than any of the other siblings—they each had their own struggles, it was because I was willing to take that step. Some call it crazy, I call it LOVE. My mother and father remain with me and I share their wisdom and the life lesson they taught me and present it gladly.

Each of my children are following their own paths and I admire them greatly. As a parent we want only what is best and I can only wonder how many times my parents bit their tongues when they saw me stumbling. But it is in the stumbling that we learn. It is what we make of the situation that can bring about change and healing. If life were measured in how many times we make mistakes I would be way past the goal line! They are my offspring yes, but they are people with different ideals aspirations and goals and I respect the paths they have chosen. I rejoice in the fact that we can agree to disagree on things, have open discussions, laugh out loud and cry when needed. We make a great team.

So dear children of mine, as you can see I have written this to show you I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I fall down and I rise again. My world changed for the better the day I stopped looking at my parents as role models that were somehow supposed to be perfect and looking at them as ordinary, simple people. Wonderful, strong, intelligent, humorous hard working people. We are all on a journey and I am so honored to have been their child.  I have accomplished many things in my life. I worked hard and now I am a HAPPY professional artist/author and motivational speaker. It's been almost six years since I met the love of my life Dean and our work in comics leaves us laughing everyday. Will I have storms and will heartache meet me in the future? Perhaps, but I can tell you this…the love I hold for each of you is the energy that keeps me going. Being your mother is my greatest achievement on this planet. I was chosen to bring you forth as a gift to the world. A gift that can share this knowledge that in order to be the loving individuals who can move mountains to help others, it begins with self love. BE this love to the earth.

Blessings to all of you.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Animal Communication 3 - Pets in Spirit

Continued from Part 2
As we continue to study the different methods of communicating with animals, let us consider those pets that have passed. This type of communication requires you to be in a place where you are not dealing with depression. So to begin, you must consider where you are in the healing process. Mourning the loss of a beloved pet takes time and only YOU can determine how this effects your state of mind. When you are ready to try and make a connection, follow these simple steps.

Choose a photo of your pet that has crossed over.  Sit quietly with the picture and imagine yourself beside your pet. Think of a memory that invokes your love energy, and feel it as it bubbles to the surface. Feel the warmth of its fur (or whatever it is covered in), the sound of its beating heart, the look in their eyes, their scent and how you "feel" whenever you are with this animal. This is the energy you will use to "link up" with your pet.  You will be using the same methods described previously, so let us review.
I outlined it in Part 1.

You will begin with a prayer of silence asking for protection as you open up to the ether world. This is what I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Please protect me at this time of meditation
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
as I blend with my conscious and become one with my spirit.
I wish to communicate with (insert Pet's name) and I ask for your assistance in bringing this about.
I thank ALL THAT IS.

You may now continue with your eyes closed or open (I do it eyes closed as it keeps me in the zone.) Next, begin sending thoughts of LOVE to your pet. See this love energy as white light washing over the animal. Feel the connection as this white light continues to bathe the animal and just let yourself sink into this sensation of absolute LOVE. You may begin to feel a bit emotional, this is perfectly normal. This emotion is your heart energy opening up and blending with your beautiful pet.

Ask permission to speak with your pet. You may get a sensation of a wall or a block, if so, thank your pet and try again later. You have just felt what it is to get a "busy signal" or "not now." You may get a warm comfortable sensation and this is a "yes."

Start by being perfectly still in this space and send an image that will remind your pet of your special relationship. Begin with only one memory, for example: You feeling them nuzzle against your skin. Just stay with that tender moment a bit—and feel your heart opening more and more to the animal in spirit. It is a wonderful state of bliss and you may feel their love washing over you in return. Some people actually "feel" body temperature shifts, prickly skin, heart flutters, ears ringing, etc. Do not be alarmed, this is just your physical body blending with the vibrational energy of the animal.  You are both energy and although you are physical, you both connect through your beautiful spirits.

Now it is time to ask a question. Imagine your question floating within a bubble and send it to your pet. Trust that they have heard you, and wait.

Keep the question very simple and focus on the feelings and reason surrounding your question.

Ask OPEN questions. Closed questions will only allow the animal to respond in Yes or No. For example, "Do you visit me?" is a closed question."
"Which room do you like best when you visit me?" is an open question.

Next comes the trusting part. Sit in silence after sending your question accepting they have heard the question and stay in this love energy.

See their response in a bubble as it returns to you and pops open with a reply. Again it may be a thought, feeling, image, sound, taste or just a knowing. Often it can come quickly before you have even asked the question as they are reading your thoughts and excited you are communicating in their language.

Next just feel everything that comes to you. Do not think about it or try to engage any logic just allow the communication to wash over you. THIS TAKES PRACTICE, so if you do not feel or sense anything the first time, do not give up.

Before ending the communication always ask if there is something else your pet would like to share.

Thank them for this connection and leave them with this beautiful white light of love energy. Write EVERYTHING down in your journal.

This is a wonderful way to continue the loving relationship once they have crossed. It takes commitment and practice, but ALL can do this. I have seen many unbelievers come away from these sessions, filled with gratitude as they have glimpsed the heart energy sent to them from across the veil. Always keep a journal and be sure to TEACH OTHERS as this brings tremendous healing for both YOU and your beloved pet that misses you dearly.

In my next blog we will discuss communicating with part 4 Missing Animals. Learn to connect with an animal that is missing and help others, ALL can do this.

I am a Professional Animal Communicator, I can speak with your animals! learn more
Everything I have learned, came through the teachings of Wynter Worsthorne
To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Animal Communication 2

Continued from Part 1As you continue to blend your energy in communication with animals your bond will grow and your auric field will reveal this. Animals can see your auric field. Not only do they use their physical senses such as scent, body language, sound and taste but, they can also see what your vibrational energy field looks like. Can you just imagine how different YOUR world would appear if you could "see" anger, malice, fear in the energy field approaching you? How do I know without a doubt that animals can "see" auric fields? I've had conversations with them and YOU can too.

Although humans have always had this ability to communicate with animals, we have just stopped using it as our society began teaching that man was the head of the food chain. Use your daily meditation to erase this thought and begin again. We are equal and WE ARE ONE. We must begin there if we are going to move forward with any plans of helping our planet. Our fellow animals, insects, minerals, plants and all living beings cohabiting this earth, are very much aware of the struggles facing our planet.

By using animal communication you will bring yourself in alignment with the highest good for yourself, others and the planet. Animals can TEACH us how to share natural resources. Humans will continue to guzzle up precious water and igniting havoc among eco systems. They will deplete, poison and destroy greedily as animals and other living entities suffer. Not all do this for the mere sake of killing our planet, they feel they are striving forward with commerce that will improve society…but at what cost? If humans do not place the same values on the lives and well being of others sharing our planet, then they are only speeding up the demise of Mother Earth.

Animal Communication Lesson 2
Begin now and find an animal in nature. Sit quietly in their energy and allow them to feel your calmness. You are blending into their vibration sending them love. Your thoughts are peaceful, serene and non-confrontational. You are just a friend passing by. You may never see this particular animal again, perhaps it is a chipmunk, a frog or a chickadee. It does not matter it is very capable of communicating with you, and will, if IT chooses to.

Let us review how to communicate with this creature you are sitting beside. I outlined it in the last blog.

You will begin with a prayer of silence asking for protection as you open up to the ether world. This is what I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Please protect me at this time of meditation
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
as I blend with my conscious and become one with my spirit.
I wish to communicate with this animal and I ask for your assistance in bringing this about.
I thank ALL THAT IS.

This is a non-domesticated creature that you are trying to connect with. Take note of its appearance and compliment them for their beauty, strength, keen eyesight or whatever attributes you find attractive.

You may now continue with your eyes closed or open (I do it eyes closed as it keeps me in the zone.) Next, begin sending thoughts of LOVE to the animal. See this love energy as white light washing over the animal. Feel the connection as this white light continues to bath the animal and sink into this sensation of absolute LOVE. You may begin to feel a bit emotional, this is perfectly normal. This emotion is your heart energy opening up and blending with this beautiful creature.

Ask permission to speak with the animal. You may get a sensation of a wall or a block, if so thank the animal and try again later. You have just felt what it is to get a "busy signal" or "not now." You may get a warm comfortable sensation and this is a "yes."

Start by being perfectly still in this space and send thoughts that make the animal feel safe in your presence. They can also SEE your auric field and will sense that you are a being that truly cares.

You can ask a question. Imagine your question floating within a bubble and send it to the animal.
Trust that the animal has heard you and wait.

Keep the question very simple and focus on the feelings and reason surrounding your question. 

You may find your animal friend is quite happy foraging for food in your midst and will speak to you on the task at hand, or it may want to share its opinion on the needs of the planet. How it communicates with its ancestors and what they have taught it about harmonizing with the earth. What are the best plants for medicinal needs? What vitamins are lacking in the soil? How can WE WORK TOGETHER to bring about positive changes to our planet?

I don't expect you will having deep conversations with turtles straight off, however in time and with practice you will learn to connect. You will be sitting quietly in nature and setting your mind on communicating with wildlife and you will slowly begin to use your gifts. You will receive Thoughts, Sounds, Tastes, Scents, Images and Feelings all creating COMMUNICATION. If you choose, you can ACT upon this gift of animal communication and become a part of this new world. A world where animals and ALL inhabitants sharing our planet live in harmony seeking what is best for ALL.

Remember to journal every session. Always end with gratitude sending the animal love. If possible you may try and capture their image using a camera (although I rarely carry one when doing this work as I like to UN-PLUG) and you can re-visit this animal again and again. You can just close your eyes and do this remotely. You do it the same way as if you are sitting beside them only you are focusing on an image, reminding yourself of their energy and you can open the communication.

In my next blog we will discuss communicating with Animals In Spirit. Learn to connect with a dear friend that once walked (or swam or flew) beside you and open up to their LOVE energy. They too are very wise and can offer much guidance as you continue your journey.

I am a Professional Animal Communicator, I can speak with your animals! learn more
To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Animal Communication 1

All people have the ability to communicate with animals, plants, trees, minerals and water as well as other humans. Through the ages they have forgotten, but many are waking up to this natural capability. Meditation is key to this know-how.

Personally I did not go searching for this communication and it became a natural blending as I was approached by wild horses during my meditation time (see Straight From The Horses Mouth blog.) Through my daily practice of sitting for purposeful fifteen minutes of meditation, I found that I was slowly communicating with my plants and even the fish that swam below my dock. Huh? How can sitting in meditation open up this link? It's actually quite simple. Meditation clears the path of debris that has cluttered our brain. Animals communicate through THOUGHT, and as we improve our ability to still the constant chatter, they seize the opportunity to speak with us. Yes, I say WITH, as there is a back and forth dialogue that occurs.

I always encourage others to record every meditation. This journaling will allow you to look back and see what information is coming TO you. I still remember the day when I first discovered meditation was opening this door of communication. Have a look at this journal entry.

Jan. 5, 2011 – I meditated early this morning. I found myself in my kitchen watering houseplants. A PLANT STARTED TALKING TO ME. He had a deep voice and was describing the chemical elements in the water. I asked if I was doing everything all right, and did they (the plants) need anything … he replied “You are doing wonderful.” I then asked another question – silence. Then I felt stupid talking to plants and tested this again by saying “bye” and as I turned to go I heard him say “bye”. Man would I love to be a plant whisperer—ha!

Animal Communication Lesson 1
I learned this method from Wynter Worsthorne of You can download her simple how to .pdf for yourself. She taught me the number one rule in making this connection is to TRUST everything that comes to you. It may be sounds, tastes, feelings, images or just a knowing. They will use our senses to make contact and we must learn to set aside our brain and just accept what is given. TRUST the information and TRUST yourself.

Find a quiet place beside an animal you would like to communicate with. This can be a pet or an animal in nature. Be sure to have a pen and notebook to journal ALL communication.

Close your eyes and begin a meditation of silence asking for protection as you open up to the ether world. This is what I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Please protect me at this time of meditation
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
as I blend with my conscious and become one with my spirit.
I wish to communicate with this animal and I ask for your assistance in bringing this about.
I thank ALL THAT IS.

You may now continue with your eyes closed or open (I do it eyes closed as it keeps me in the zone.) Next, begin sending thoughts of LOVE to the animal. See this love energy as white light washing over the animal. Feel the connection as this white light continues to bath the animal and sink into this sensation of absolute LOVE. You may begin to feel a bit emotional, this is perfectly normal. This emotion is your heart energy opening up and blending with this beautiful creature.

Ask permission to speak with the animal. You may get a sensation of a wall or a block, if so thank the animal and try again later. You have just felt what it is to get a "busy signal" or "not now." You may get a warm comfortable sensation and this is a "yes."

Start by being perfectly still in this space and send thoughts that make the animal feel safe in your presence. They can also SEE your auric field and will sense that you are a being that truly cares.

You can ask a question. Imagine your question floating within a bubble and send it to the animal.
Trust that the animal has heard you and wait.

Keep the question very simple and focus on the feelings and reason surrounding your question.

Ask OPEN questions. Closed questions will only allow the animal to respond in Yes or No. For example, "Does your paw hurt?" is a closed question. "How did you hurt your paw?" is an open question.

Next comes the trusting part. Sit in silence after sending your question accepting they have heard the question and stay in this love energy.

See their response in a bubble as it returns to you and pops open with a reply. Again it may be a thought, feeling, image, sound, taste or just a knowing. Often it can come quickly before you have even asked the question as they are reading your thoughts and excited you are actually able to communicate in their language.

Next just feel everything that comes to you. Do not think about it or try to engage any logic just allow the communication to wash over you. THIS TAKES PRACTICE, so if you do not feel or sense anything the first time, do not give up.

Before ending the communication always ask if there is something else the animal would like to share.

Thank them for this connection and leave them with this beautiful white light of love energy. Write EVERYTHING down and thank them.

In the next blog we will discuss how using this communication can help our planet.
Animal Communication Part 2

I am a Professional Animal Communicator, want me to speak with your animals? learn more

To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day
To learn more about Animal Communication please AnimalTalkAfrica

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Southwest Spirits Calling Part 3

...continued from Part 2
GPS is an excellent tool for navigation but we decided to follow something even greater…our intuition. And so hitting the reset button, we tossed out our travel plans and decided to follow our  hearts northward.  Clearly we were meant to be the learners and not the teachers. I had thought the purpose of this trip was to raise awareness in others, it is why I wrote the book about the struggle of the wild horses and burros – it was why I had traveled so far…or was it?

Although mankind feels he has the right to disrupt nature, often it pushes back, like the herd of Bison that halted the traffic in Yellowstone National Park.  Or the spectacular falls that hurdle forward while a rainbow danced upon the surface. It's in those moments when we are reminded that we are but one species on this planet.

My daily meditations continued to bring me heightened awareness and particularly about water. The drought that has come upon the parched land is far reaching and seems to be getting worse.

Meditation:  I see shimmering water that forms an image of a man.  He is bare chested, dark skin, maybe Italian or Mediterranean olive skinned. Something hangs around his neck and he wears a camouflaged large brimmed hat that looks like a ranger hat or Mountie hat. He is comparing the beauty of Colorado and Arizona. He now hands me a slip of paper with something scribbled on it, lastly he signs his name large and I can't make out anything but Arizona and WASTE. It ends.

As I have traveled the country I am astonished by the over-consumption of water for lawns and golf courses in the desert. There is a water crisis yet people continue with recreation and beautification projects that guzzle up gallons every day. Sadly this will continue unless we make changes. During this trip my water meditations brought about a change in my attitude toward my own use of water, the lessons must begin within.

Onward we traveled driving 9 hour days to reach the next watercolor/book signing event. We are good traveling companions, you HAVE to be, and it is another lesson in sharing space, not only the land but our living space. We were attentive to each others needs working as a team as this felt very natural to us. There was a lot of discussion regarding everything we were experiencing yet, we were reminded daily to stop and stand in silence. This silence allowed us to hear the messages brought forth from the earth. Majestic mountains that told us to, "Stand fast in all you believe and reach for the sky ever upwards."  The beauty of the land seemed to encourage us and embrace us pushing us forward saying, "Yes, you are a part of ALL of this."
And where would this journey take us? To the smiling children of the Arapaho/Shoshone Nation who waited eagerly to listen and to learn. With welcome arms they allowed us to share the simple gift of art. Had we not ventured to this middle-of-nowhere land in Wyoming, we would never have met these remarkable Native Americans known as the HORSE PEOPLE. I may have come the teacher but I left the student.

We enjoyed this part of the trip so much we hated to leave, but we had one last stop in Colorado. With an hour to spare we pulled into a cafe, and a good thing too, as an unexpected Tornado dropped in for a visit. Wow! Again nature was in control and all we could do was watch as the sky darkened and all ran for shelter. Would our event be canceled? Slowly we made our way to Zuma's Rescue Ranch thinking we would just say, "hello" and "goodbye" as surely no one would venture out. We were stunned when the students took their seats as if to say, "We are here to learn, we will stand fast and together we will make what we can of this day." We shouldn't have been surprised as this organization is dedicated to helping abused horses and broken children heal.  Looking around the class at the different genders and ages I was reminded that this lesson is for ALL people. No tornado will ever stop the needs of others nor should it stop us from lending a hand.
And so this adventure came to an end as we began our trek home and pondered all we had learned. By following our intuition we found ourselves naturally drawn to helping others. The Southwest Spirits brought us a lifetime of lessons about compassion, listening and assisting wherever we could. By quietly going within we heard them introduce some new voices ...Northern Spirits that said, "Enjoy this for now and savor all you have learned for there are many more roads ahead."

To learn more about meditation please read Meditation Mojo

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Southwest Spirits Calling Part 2

...continued from Part 1
Nature has a way of making you stop in your tracks. It is a silent reminder that you are but a small piece of the larger picture. When we take the time to immerse ourselves we find that our heart matches the earth's beat. I traveled as a teacher yet all along I was always the student.

As we wandered through the various stops along the book tour it became very clear that the journey was the destination. It was an important revelation as it made us slow our pace and breathe in the beauty. The land was filled with tiny towns sprinkled throughout the desert. Where do they work? Where do they buy their groceries? Do their children become computer whizzes and electronic-game-zombies? I was contemplating this as we pulled into a tiny town called Wickenburg, AZ. I had wanted to see the Saguaro cacti and they only grow in the Sonora dessert. I was overwhelmed with joy as we had arrived during their blooming season. We took some photos and then stopped to visit this quaint town in the middle of giant cacti-land. We found ourselves in a lovely shop that seemed to be the local-hub for catching up on all the news and gossip. We grinned as the clerks smiled and then busied themselves with their morning routine of chatting with their merchant neighbors. The shop was filled with a beautiful collection of gifts including local artisans. I struck up a conversation with the owner and she bought four of my books as this shop was a perfect fit for a book on wild horses.
The state is planning a bypass to run around this tiny town, much like many others that are now empty. It will effect their economy greatly as the tourists will no longer stop. All for the sake of traffic moving even faster through this beautiful terrain filled with such natural treasure. Mankind is always in a rush to get to the next traffic light it seems.

As we resumed our trek across the country I continued daily meditations soaking up all of the wisdom that seemed to intensify like a surging river.

Meditation: I am shown a white feather and I hear "take flight as the feather is the bridge between spirit and physical – together we are one energy – always with you. Keep as a token knowing you are never alone and are connected to spirit – take flight."

The book on the wild horses was given to me by the Calico Horses that once roamed in the Calico Mountains in NV. Many were killed in a brutal winter roundup in 2009, those that were spared found their way to safety at Return to Freedom in Lompoc, CA. They called out to me time and again in meditations that began in 2011. I journaled everyone of those accounts and an outline for my book appeared. Three years later I would publish that book and I would meet the few remaining rescued horses. Read more about them here.

Meeting these animals was as natural as stopping by to visit an old friend. I felt an intense connection and so blessed to stand among them. They are battered, scarred, tangled and resilient. We have so much in common, we share so much and I had never realized it until that moment–we are survivors. A videographer was on hand for the moment as I am in the process of creating a film about their plight and when I was asked how it felt to finally meet them, I was too overtaken with emotions to even speak. Here it was… my big moment and my tears were the only thing captured on film. Tears of joy, gratitude and extreme awe. Soon after that encounter another meditation would find its way to my door.

Meditation: A red tailed hawk is circling overhead and I hear “heightened perspective”

As I continue to record my meditations I can sense that I am being taught more then ever before. Its as if I have been given a new vantage point in which to peer across the earth.  An added bonus is the realization that all of the stress or concern I had about teaching now melts away as I stand before students knowing I am doing exactly what I am called to do at this time. I am not a mere teacher–I am a fellow traveler on this journey called life. Meditation has opened my heart to accept this role.

Meditation helped me write my book and it is how I will move forward on the next project that was also given to me. It began as the spirits of the southwest brought me the following…

Meditation: Lights of energy appeared as I began to see images forming. I heard "February 11." I saw a white horse running. I saw an old fashioned round globe light with the name Aurora on it, I immediately thought of a comic book. I heard someone say, "Well how do you think you got here?" I saw a drawing of my own. It was a comic strip panel and there was a round-up with horses jumping out of the frame. They were escaping the frame of the panel. Some of the panels had borders but now the horses were behind and around them as they had escaped the frame of the story… it ended.

And so I will begin my next project, a new Comic Book series about the wild horses. I will write and draw all I know about the lessons of survival something I have in common with these beautiful yet hardy creatures.

My southwest experience does not end here and I will conclude the recordings of all I have learned in Part 3.
To learn how you can begin using meditation to enhance your life please read How to Begin.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Southwest Spirits Calling

I was told to go to the Southwest as there was treasure awaiting me. And so my partner Dean and I loaded up the van and began a 12 day journey from FL to CA. I gathered art supplies, a book I had recently published, Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail, and some camping supplies.
Meditation: I was given a very strong message from a guide who felt different then any I have ever met. "No more doubting, no more questioning, no more struggling over choices - only DOING. You are now prepared to GO and DO. Do not question if we are with you...KNOW and BELIEVE and TRUST. You are to BE positive affirmation as you wake each day and say "hello world, what can I do today?" You are to spread this, teach this to ALL people of ALL races. If it is about smoking 1 less cigarette for one, or thinking one less self destructive thought for another it is a path to self love. Positive affirmation means moving that positive thought into action. This message is to be shared. You are all to begin every day with a positive affirmation speaking aloud what you will DO. If it is about changing a direction of thought then begin today to move in this direction- today I can BE positive, today I can BE love. So many hurting, look around, so many impoverished minds...Help bring a fresh wind to a stagnant world. Each of you is equipped to do much more - no more waiting, doubting only DOING. Blessings to ALL."

This journey has brought me the most beautiful gifts. They come in the form of new relationships with people, the land, the animals and the energy connecting it all. Although I thought my purpose was bringing students the free gift of art, and I am…what they are GIVING in return far outweighs it.

 This connection feels as if my heart is in tune with the heartbeat of the earth. It has helped me become more grounded as I bathe in its wisdom.

Each day I meditate in silence giving thanks for ALL that IS. The overwhelming sense of LOVE is in the air I breathe.

I look forward to traveling to Lompoc, CA next weekend, where I will meet the wild horses that were stripped from the Calico Mountains of NV and now roam safely within the ranges of the Return to Freedom Mustang Sanctuary.

I am blessed to be able to do this work and I do not take it lightly, it is an honor. All of my efforts are to help raise awareness and funds to the plight of these wild sentient beings fighting for survival. If I can leave them with one lesson let it be this–ALL of us can help one another, we all have gifts, it just takes MOVING THOUGHTS INTO ACTION. To be continued...
The meditation above came while touring the country as I am giving away free art lessons to children/parents to help raise awareness to plight of wild horses and burros rounded up sold for slaughter... (here is my schedule)

To learn more about meditation please read Meditation Mojo.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Vibrational Elevator

There are times in your life when you wake to find that the pathway you are on feels pretty ho hum. It's safe it's secure and it is working. So what is off? You float some thoughts over your "what's wrong?" internal meter, and you come up blank. Perhaps some close friends and loved one's have noticed and have made comments which send you more signals that you are not feeling "yourself."

Sometimes it is merely a shift in your energy. The earth is always going through changes that may be unseen but are truly felt. The inhabitants all collectively pick up these vibrations and we send them out to each other. If you take the time to connect with your beautiful spirit, who is ALWAYS with you, you may be able to tune in. This can help us be better prepared when our senses seem to be askewed. How can we make this connection?

First and foremost we must learn to raise our vibration. We are all vibrational balls of energy and our auric fields (Aura: a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object) are very sensitive. One of the key ways to raise your vibration is through short meditations that are set for this intention. Moving out of your routine and getting into nature is another excellent vibrational boost.
Here is how to begin. You acknowledge something is off and you cannot determine what it is.
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Say a prayer of invocation like this one:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Bless me protect me and keep me safe as I sit
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
I ask at this time for help in RAISING MY VIBRATION
I wish to be brought back in 5 minutes.
I thank all that is.

Now just let your mind float. You are dedicating a short space of your day to reset your energy. Recognizing and validating this imbalance is the first step. Doing something about it is next. Do these short meditations for a few days. These little subtle time-outs may help you avoid disharmony in the workplace and home. It may help you avoid purchases that in the past you made with the hopes of feeling better. People often indulge in many activities thinking it will bring more happiness only to feel a little let down when they find they are still feeling unsettled.

Another good vibrational enhancer is spending time in nature. Try to get outdoors even if it is altering the way you park your car at work in order to walk a pathway that may bring you closer to the birds, plants and scenery that will lift your spirits. We are a people that are always on the go bustling and hurrying to get the next appointment. Take time to slow down and tune into this beautiful planet that you call home. Begin to see that you are filled with bright glowing energy that is connected to every thing around you. You have the ability to raise your energy and enhance your life just by making this connection - start today and as you feel this positive shift, share it with others.

For more ways to raise your vibration please read Raise Your Vibration Daily

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Straight From The Horse's Mouth

As we move through life we often find nuggets of inspiration. For me I have collected these little gems them through years of journaling all of my dreams and meditations. Like a treasure box I hold each one dear. Below is one of my entries:

February 25, 2011: I meditate daily in total silence. No music, no imagery cues, I do not go to a garden or to a mountain. I sit in silence and still my mind and if I come away with a blank slate. I thank my guides and start my day feeling connected. Through my meditations I have been given clear directions to write children's books of my own. I was given 3 separate messages this week.
1) I saw a rolling farmland of fields all adorned in multicolored fabric – a black tubular substance broke through this image as if it were black oil paint – or black toothpaste and covered the entire image
2) I saw the same rolling fields of fabric as real crops all dried up – all brown and withered
3) I saw an illustration (in my artistic style) of three calico horses made of fabric standing on a hill

This collection of meditation notes became a young adult novel, it was released March 26, 2014 and only four days later Barnes and Nobles placed an order for 1200 books causing this to go into a second printing. I illustrated the cover as I saw it given to me in meditation. I created a video for this book with the same imagery I saw unfolding over and over again as the horses that were threatened came to me.

I was given the idea to use children's Equine Art Camp as part of my story. I developed this wonderful place for children to meet the wild horses that had been rescued and motivate their creative abilities through art. I am about to take that fictional part of the book and make it a reality!

I am about to embark on my very first book tour where I will be teaching Child/Parent Equine Watercolor Workshops throughout the US. Students will learn how to meditate and connect with the artist within.

This is a hands-on equine watercolor lesson for ALL levels. I teach a very loose style, erasers and pencils will not be needed as we will “sketch with paint.” Anyone can do this – there ARE NO MISTAKES only learning. A portion of all proceeds will benefit wild horse and burro sanctuaries. Autographed books will be given to all along with a new ability to paint freely.

Connecting with the spirit of the horse enables us to speak through art. It was through this connection that I was able to write and illustrate Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail. Just look at all of the people that will come to learn about this story and art!

April 23, 2014: 4:00Pm - 5:30 pm Twirl Toy Store/Playhouse – along
with Moby Dickens Bookshop Taos, NM
May 17, 2014: 2:00pm - 5:00 pm Return to Freedom – Lompoc, CA
June 1, 2014: Hidden Valley Protection Fund – Reno, NV
June 7, 2014: Wind River Reservation – Riverton, WY sponsored by Wild Horse Education
June 8, 2014: Zuma's Rescue Ranch – Littleton, CO
June, TBA 2014 Bee Hive Books – Santa Fe, NM
Aug. 23, 2014 Chapters Bookstore – Fredericton, NB, Canada
Sept., TBA 2014: The Country Book Shop – Southern Pines, NC
Sept., TBA 2014: Moore County Driving Club – Southern Pines, NC - Speaking Engagement
Oct., TBA 2014: Salem County 4-H Club – Predricktown, NJ

The wild horses came to me in meditation and asked me to tell their story, but they also showed me that I needed to MOVE my thoughts into action. What purpose would it serve to record every meditation and hear their cries if I had closed my journal and stayed put? Now is the time to connect to your inner voice to find YOUR purpose.

Begin today by using meditation to uncover your hidden treasure. To learn more please read my book.
I am a Professional Animal Communicator, I can speak with your animals! learn more.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Alone Following a Break-Up 2

Troubled waters
continued from Alone Following a Break-up
Learning to overcome things that kept me from wanting to explore my "alone-ness" took months. I had to learn the technique of "mind-shift" in order to move my thoughts from the captive state of  "flight or fight" to trust and believe. Meditation helped connect me to the invisible guardians watching over… allowing me to feel safe and protected.

It was hard to move through this transition of loving myself more and appreciating the alone time. I had avoided caring for myself for many years as I kept busy with the needs of others. Insomnia had kept me hidden behind my books and sleep deprivation dulled my brain. I was ignoring my inner-voice  and doing a damn good job of it.  I was miserable, why would I want to keep company with ME? My thoughts were certainly not positive, they were more like self-pity. I didn't show this persona to the world, and most thought I was a happy being. It was only when I was alone with my thoughts that my facade would crumble. And that is where I would have remained if I hadn't learned to look within.

Abundant opportunities
When you try to move forward after a break-up often you feel it might all be better if you could return again to the relationship, or maybe find a new object for your affections. But by taking this alone time and quieting the negative thoughts I was able to find the me that had been buried beneath despair. It had been so long since I had tuned into me. What was I passionate about? What made my heart sing? What caused distress and worry? What brought me fits of laughter or silent tears? What were my favorite foods, songs or hobbies – I really had not taken the time to examine any of this.  Meditation began to strip away the thoughts I had allowed to creep in like poison ivy that were strangling my beautiful self. My inner-voice allowed me to find the creativity that had been stifled, the voice that was trapped as a lump in my throat and the forced smile now spread more naturally as I dried my eyes.

This pathway is mine, but the story may be similar to yours. You may walk this road with others by your side or choose to go it alone. One is not better then the other and tuning into your own heart's desire will allow you to feel which road is best for you. I now treasure my silence and honor this wonderful journey.

My relationship with my family and friends is far richer for discovering this me that was hidden.

To learn more how you can find your inner-voice please read How to Begin.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Alone Following a Break-Up

I never thought I would find myself alone, after all I was born into a overcrowded family and married at the age of 18… having personal space was a luxury. But that marriage dissolved and my inability to be alone probably counts for the many unsuccessful relationships that followed. Oh sure, there were many other reasons and I don't mean to be glib about this, but the truth of the matter is that I did NOT know how to love myself– let alone others. And so in the year 2007 I did something that made a lot of people think I was crazy...I hit the RESET button and said NO MORE.

It wasn't like I woke up one day and said, hey Lorraine you need to love yourself. No, it was more like a feeling of emptiness. Something off, something missing and it was very deep. By this stage of my life I had raised three children and was now a grandparent. I had lived a role for others and in doing so, lost a bit of me. How? Aren't we supposed to be dutiful parents and give ourselves 24 hours a day to the needs of our offspring? And what about our grown parents, are we not supposed to drop everything and care for them as they become more needy? This is the the correct path, so why wasn't I happy? I adored my children and had a warm, loving relationship with my parents (they are both now in spirit). But I spent years battling insomnia and depression, and to be quite honest I was hoping some mornings I would just leave and go quietly into the spirit world... but that was then.

Hitting the reset button helped me to discover self-love. It wasn't easy contacting the lawyer and starting the divorce procedure, telling my kids I needed to start fresh, or telling my aging mother that I would call when I was settled. But you know what…it was pretty easy to quit my high-paying job, and swap all of my jewelry for cash. Yes, that part felt right, it felt solid, it felt like a huge GREEN LIGHT!

And so at the age of 52 I was finally alone. I drove 1400 miles to Key West, FL and found a tiny space I could barely afford. I came with the items I could stuff into my tiny car. No furniture, no pots or pans, no linen…just my laptop, art supplies and some summer clothes and flip-flops.

Bedroom/art studio
My new job paid me about the same hourly rate I earned in 1973 and let me tell you, it was day to day, penny to penny living. My furniture came from trash picks and yard sales. But little by little my tiny space began to feel like a palace. I was learning the importance of silence. I was learning what made me uncomfortable, happy, irritable, excited, bored… I was learning who Lorraine the person was. Not the mother, daughter, sister or friend person I had been, but the bubbling energetic child that had been squashed for a long time. I want to make it very clear that I hold no ill feelings or blame anyone, I am merely stating a fact that I was NOT BEING TRUE TO MYSELF.

My perfect tiny space

As I began spending time alone I found there were bits and pieces of me that I either wanted to examine further or discard. But how…where do you begin? It was then that I discovered the magic of being alone. At first it felt lonely, and I was wondering if I had traded my insomnia for a new zip code. I now had a new problem, I was afraid of the dark and every bump in the night. Florida had geckos, eww, creepy little things that crawled into every crevice. I DON'T DO CREEPY THINGS! I came from a quiet suburban neighborhood with squirrels and blue jays. Now I had to dodge iguanas and don't even get me started about the Key West chickens, they are as common as palm trees crowing every time someone turns a light on. So how alone was I exactly?
to be continued... Part 2

To learn about meditation please read Meditation Mojo
Art for a cause.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spirit Horses Sound the Alarm


I live in a world of flip-flops and palm trees – no wild horses. I didn't even know they still existed. But I came to learn about them in the most bizarre way—through daily meditation. I began seeing images of horses running over fields of calico fabric. Vivid patchwork mountains appeared as I flew over them. This continued until one day I saw three horses rendered in my own painting style standing on a hill. Who were these calico-covered horses and why did they appear to me? The final patchwork meditation gave me the answer. I was given a very clear message by these beautiful creatures: “We want you to tell our story”…and so I did.

In researching the novel Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail , I learned about the plight of the wild horses named after the colorful Calico Mountains located in Nevada. I added many elements to the story from personal experiences, such as when years ago I had to make the tough decision to relocate and uproot my children. As I learned about the mustangs and burros being stripped of their freedom I saw the truth in the powerful statement my three year old told me at the time I moved her from everything she knew: “Nobody asked me.”

This is the story of how Carrie, a girl ripped apart by divorce, helps the wild mustangs torn from the range. Together they face uncertainties brought on by the decisions of others. There is a strong element of magic realism throughout: is she a budding horse whisperer or is her troubled mind playing tricks on her?

In the book Carrie’s dreams are actually taken from my meditation journal. Here is an excerpt from Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail.

Sunday June 29th:
I had another dream of rolling hills of fabric. It all began with those same lights flickering on sparkling water. Then I was looking down at the patterned lands that were made of patches of varying colors. I felt as if I were flying as I soared overhead. The hills had valleys and I dipped down into them as I looked all around me at the many colors of blue, pink, green, lavender, and gold. Then a black, misty fog covered the hills and all went dark. The darkness slowly became un-foggy as if the sun was beginning to rise. Black hills appeared and three horses were standing on the ridge. They were pawing the ground and I heard them snorting as they swished their tails. They were real horses but they were covered in patches of fabric. As I looked closely I could see that they were each made of the same swatches I had seen on the hills. Three beautiful horses covered in calico fabric. And then I woke.

* * * * *

As a meditation instructor and motivational speaker I encourage readers to move their thoughts into action. I will be offering Equine Water Color Workshops throughout the country, donating my services to help where I can. I hope this book touches the hearts of all who read. May it continue to raise awareness about the plight of all the wild horses and burros struggling for survival.
Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail a young adult novel by Lorraine Turner.

To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day
I am a Professional Animal Communicator, I can speak with your animals! learn more