Who's voice are YOU listening to? |
Is meditation just for spiritual people? Why would anyone need to learn how to do something so simple? Life is made up of many different species of people, well maybe not species per say, but face it we are pretty animal-istic in our pack behavior at times:)
Some people choose to use religion and special prayers in their communication with God, Source or Is. Others choose silent prayer in their own way and do not belong to any organized religion but still feel their childhood upbringing regarding the church's views are close to their own, without the need to attend a service. Many have chosen to find a road to inner peace by venturing from one form of belief system to another. They're in an experimental phase and time will tell how they proceed along their journey.
Some non-church goers now exploring Tarot, Astrology and Numerology seem to have swapped out church for a new ideology. Some, not all, seem unaware that they are venturing into a pattern of thinking put before them by others. Who's voice is guiding them and can they honestly say that it is truly their own? I find each of these methods fascinating and feel they are very valuable tools in gaining knowledge from the universe. I encourage beginners to look within when approaching new avenues regarding this connection as I feel it should be approached with respect.
Some do not want ANY communication or attention to anything spiritual.
Others choose to interact with God, Source, Is or whatever name they choose, with the help of meditation as well as a link to their own spirit, guides and helpers. And some do not want to connect with anything other then their subconscious. This is all a matter for the individual, and I mention the many different avenues as an example of how each of us is on our own path. Does it make one better then the other? No, of course not, it just makes us different in our walks.
For those of you going through your lives as if you are in "survival" mode... you get up, eat, go to work, come home, eat, watch tv or read, sleep and start the day again in order to meet your physical needs. Meditation can be a wonderful escape from the gerbil wheel. I have spent many years on that wheel and I understand it well...but one day I got off:)
I teach Sæ-sii meditation because it has helped me discover new horizons and possibilities in my life. I was able to examine my journey as if seeing it for the first time in its rawest state. What makes me happy? Why do I choose what I read, watch or interact with? Why am I attracted to certain people? Why do I dislike specific things that have popped up in my life? How can I redirect my path to move with my passion of purpose?
Meditation can bring about a gradual change in your life that helps you feel more harmonious with the planet. Perhaps you will look upon a person struggling to open a door while juggling keys and packages and lend a hand, maybe your eyes will slowly open to the litter around that never raised its head before and you are stooping to pick it up. Simple acts of kindness to others. I used to kill every insect in my path...now I am aghast at my previous behavior, after all we are all sharing the planet and who made me the head Bug Squasher?
Because of your uniqueness – there is no way of telling how it will effect you, but I can assure you it will.
It is a simple 15 minute "time out" activity of doing NOTHING that will help create abundant self-love. This enables you to be peaceful and desire to make a difference in the world around you. It reveals your value and encourages feelings of inner beauty. You know best what is good for you, not a book or a TV or a video. Not a teacher at a workshop lecturing about principals and applications...just your inner voice who knows you quite well. Meditation is an easy routine and your beautiful spirit, your intuition and your inner guidance is waiting to meet you. Try it and see for yourself...after all YOU'RE WORTH IT.
To learn more about this self connection please read
How to Begin.