Each day you wake up and slowly recognize thought. Thoughts are living things and as you allow yourself to reconnect with your conscious state you become more aware of your first thoughts. It could be about food, work, family or household chores…but nonetheless you are pulling your energy to a thought. This thought can either raise or lower your vibration. Seeking to raise your vibration will help you
become high enough to connect to the power of intention. Your island of peace and hopefully to your sweet spot where you feel happy about yourself and your surroundings.
If we were to incorporate a daily routine of waking with positive thoughts it would begin our day with a boost of internal energy. After all, we are all energy and we all vibrate on different frequencies why not strive to be your very best?
Here are some ways to help raise your vibration.
1. Become conscious of your thoughts. State your intention for your highest good- "Today is a new day and I am a beautiful person ready to accept what is for my highest good."
2. Make meditation a regular practice. Connection to your higher power and intuition will allow you to rise above all negative thoughts. It does not matter how long- it only matters that you DO.
3. Become aware of the foods you eat. Consuming foods that are covered in pesticides will make you feel weaker. Processed and foods filled with chemicals will actually lower your vibration. Seek to include organic, fruits, vegetables, soy, nut and virgin olive oil to help raise your vibration.
4. Reduce drug and alcohol consumption. Not only does this lower your vibration but you will find yourself surrounded by low vibrational people that enjoy this habit. Limit it or remove it from your life completely.
5. Tune into the music you are listening to. Does it have messages of love, passion, hope, forgiveness? Or are the lyrics filled with anger, hate and resentment. Words are powerful and can contribute to the way you feel about yourself and others. Monitor what seeps into your life, be it the car commute to work or the background radio in your home. Listen to whale song, there is powerful healing in the wisdom being given to us through these incredible beings. Keep it handy for doctor's offices, airport travel, fussy children and anyone dealing with depression.
6. Low vibrational television can derail your good intentions. The constant stream of negative energy is not good for you. Real life dramas with crime, violence and hatred interspersed with commercials telling you to buy a product to bring you health and happiness will lower your vibration.
7. Surround yourself with high vibrational people. Family members and friends that are always speaking with a glass-half-empty attitude can drag you down. Limit time spent with this type of community and connect with high vibrational people that are filled with happiness and joy.
8. Look around your home to see what you have chosen to view everyday. Photographs, books, art, crystals, plants and the colors in your home can all create energy. Learn about Feng Shui today!

10. Wear or place crystals and minerals in your personal space. Some of these minerals vibrate at a very high frequency. By connecting with their energy your vibration will lift to meet theirs. Some high vibrational crystals are: Kyanite, Rainbow Mayanite, Zincite, Aura Quartz, Gaspeite, Moldavite, Ajoite and Bookite just to name a few.
As your vibration rises you will feel your energy blossom and grow as your light shines brighter. Your feelings of self love, confidence and well being will create a desire to love others and the world around you. You will find yourself doing more and more random acts of kindness. Forgiveness for the people that have caused you deep pain and resentment will drift away as you truly begin to see them as loving spirits on a journey.
Start today with an intention of raising your vibration and BE the loving energy that can help shed more positivity into our world.
To learn how you can meditate please
read my book Sæ-sii
Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day
::I am a Professional Animal Communicator, want me to talk with your animals? Learn more
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