
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Clueless Spirits Enlighten Us

Are you a seeker? Do you read books, follow podcasts, attend work-shops, join groups, get readings, attend development circles, etc.,? If you do than you are a part of a phenomenon that is sweeping our planet. A massive WAKE UP is happening around the globe. Exploring and uncovering every tid bit of information regarding metaphysics. Constantly searching to better understand our role and how we fit into the makeup and fiber of our universe.

I myself have been exploring and gathering knowledge for many years. Always and inquisitive person, I was constantly raising my hand in class to the groans of my fellow students who wanted the lesson to be over. Questioning and exploring is all well and good but there comes a time when we need to take what we have learned and apply it. This is exactly why I began this blog on how to meditate. Meditation has unlocked information that I was unable to find in books, work-shops or podcasts. This information came from my higher self and was designed especially for me. When you go into meditation your information will be unique and especially for you…this is how it works.

It was through a recent meditation that I was given the following and I wanted to share it with you:

"Point in fact...Over the years many spirits that were once in human form have connected with gifted mediums. They are moving forward on their journeys and love to stop by to lend support and chat, but keep in mind that while on earth many have never heard of or practiced "chakras, auras, cutting cords, meditation, past-life regression, astral traveling, manifestation, astrology, numerology, etc.  It only goes to prove that YOUR JOURNEY IS YOUR JOURNEY.
They are quite happy beings for never knowing the difference. They are moving in a vibration different then our own, but many are fine with never having done any of this seeking while in physical form. If you are someone that wishes to peruse these things then do it… If you choose to sit back and quietly observe then do it! Life is full of choices and we all have FREE WILL as did they. THIS IS THE PARTY--so enjoy life everyday:)"

I hope you continue to hunt and gather, seeking to better yourself for the highest good of the universe. Be sure to stop and soak in all that you have learned and pass it along. Your journey is priceless in the scheme of all that you will ever acquire so ENJOY IT!

To learn how to begin meditation. Please read How to Begin


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

You're Born...Where's the Instruction Manual?

Did you ever feel as if you are drifting along on auto pilot? You wake up one morning and realize that your actions have become pretty routine. The decisions you made, choices you fabricated and plans you have carried out and continue to carry out were made in the past. Do they reflect the best for your highest good NOW?

As a parent I remember feeling the frustrations of each step. Dealing with the ups and downs of pregnancy, then the birthing, then the teething, diaper rash…later the school years, bullies, tears of their unhappiness with themselves through puberty, college, and on and on. Where were the instructions? Everyone I knew had advice for me. Publishers make millions on how-to books. But did they really know what was best for MY situation? MY home life?

Today I still find times of frustration. Where are the answers? Could we possibly truly have chosen to come here as spirit to take on this physical journey? WE CHOSE HERE?? NOW…EARTH?? REALLY?? What were we thinking!

If in fact I did choose to come here, then how can I become less frustrated in my quest?  The more I remove myself from TV and negative media the more sensitive I become to plants and animals residing beside me. I watch them. I learned through meditation to communicate with minerals, plants and animals. I feel them. So if I can learn to better tune out and tune in then aren't I making a choice as to how I wish to continue my journey? Hey, if I chose to come her then I'm going to try and make it a smoother ride...shouldn't we all?

Meditation can open you to the possibilities that are held within. Wow, is this the instruction manual that didn't come home from the delivery room with us? Maybe. Maybe by setting time aside each day you will begin to unravel the guidance that has been there all along.

Find your instruction manual with meditation. It may come in bits and pieces and you will have to learn how to read the language of your higher self and guides, but you can do it. The information is very personal and is designed for only you.

To learn how to meditate please read Instruction Manual

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Channeled Messages Raise Your Vibration

Meditation can connect you with powerful teachers. If you want to develop your spiritual gifts it is an absolute MUST. Yes, there are many wonderful teachers amongst us and if you are not careful you will find yourself going back again and again to sit under their teachings. Meditation will allow you to CONNECT with the lessons designed specifically for you. I am not telling you to stay away from messengers here on earth that want to share some insight regarding your development, after all I myself have been writing this blog as someone with a heart for helping others. But I am only able to find this truth that I write through the commitment to my spirit and it begins with meditation. Meditation raises your vibration allowing you to communicate more freely with your higher-self and guides.

I am in the process of writing a book on Sæ-sii Meditation. Each chapter is channeled and the lessons brought forth have been incredible as my guides work through me.  I am often left speechless when reading the words that come up when I type. When will this book be completed? I believe when they have finished I will be told and I will make copies available through my website

Here is an example of how a lesson comes to me. I will be teaching on the heart chakra in my class this coming Monday. I know I am to talk about it but I was not sure where I would begin. I sent this thought out into the universe over the past few days. This is the reply:
Sunday, April 7, 2013: Dream/Meditation: I am with a group of people instructing me. They are showing me parents working on projects with children. The children are young adults. As the parents begin to work with their children I am told that people use this as a buffer. They are guarding their hearts and not communicating from the heart. They are just talking in a round about manner. We as a people continue to mask and bury our true feelings. It is time to release them. If we have hurt someone, write a letter or send them your heartfelt apologies. If someone has hurt you, be honest with your feelings and bring them out to the universe and LET THEM GO. Holding all of this bottled up will only bring us dis-ease. I was brought to a place of semi-conscious and I said a prayer of protection and began a meditation. I was told to teach others the message I was given. Use this information in my writing and my meditation classrooms. If we need to communicate with loved ones or people that have crossed over- then we are to write it out in a letter and send it into the universe through a white candle. I gave thanks to the universe- it ends.

By sending your desires into the universe you are communicating with your higher-self and the guides that walk with you daily. You are LOVE as you are part of all that is connected to SOURCE, IS, GOD, CREATOR or whatever you wish to call it. Use your love energy to empower and encourage others. If you are one of those people that have been guarding your heart then find some quiet time to reflect upon this. LET IT GO and open your heart by releasing what you have kept protected. If you cannot say it then write it. If you cannot send this letter, then burn it into a white candle. White is purity and symbolizes your respect to spirit.

For me I have listened to this message and sat quietly reflecting. To all of my loved ones in spirit I have said all I needed to say before their passing. I speak to them very often in my dreams as I have had many encounters. My dream journals are filled with these loving accounts. To my children? Perhaps I hold back on speaking of the physical abuse I received as a young married woman. I feel it brings nothing positive but perhaps it needs to be shared adult to adult in order for me to release this. I have forgiven the abuser and have dealt with all of this years ago. But perhaps it needs to be brought out into the light. Holding it in a corner of my heart to protect my children who have now all become adults may not be best for my highest good...or theirs.

I am so thankful for channeled messages as it brings me such delight when sharing.   Begin finding your OWN truths and make meditation a routine practice in your daily life. The more you commit yourself to this the more you will LOVE YOURSELF. This can only spread to the world around you that is in desperate need of positive energy. This in turn will raise your vibration and your connection will be open to the possibilities of what lies ahead. Your spiritual gifts are waiting for you. Look within to discover them, and when you do USE THEM!

To learn how to begin meditation. Please read How to Begin.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spiritual Development Through Meditation

Be careful what you ask of Spirit, you may get an unexpected reply. I say this because I thought I was asking for assistance in developing my spiritual gifts yet what I was given was exactly what I needed physically. Physical health raises vibration…this is where my guides wanted me to begin. A healthy mind, body and spirit will enable you to move along your journey more easily. We all know this, of course, but do we act upon it? Yes, all of this is moving thoughts into action. It takes more than thinking about it we must DO.

If you would like to attune yourself to your higher self and guides for the purpose of discovering your spiritual gifts, then meditation is key. You start by saying your prayer of protection and asking for help from your highest guides and you set your intention. This intention would go something like this, "Please help me during this time of meditation to develop my spiritual gifts." You close your eyes and remain seated in meditation for approximately 30 minutes. It is best to set an appointed time and stick with it. The more you do this the better the connection. If you can only do this once a week, that's great… just start. The more you focus on your development the further along you will be on your journey.

Be sure to journal every experience. If you find yourself rested and peaceful afterward - then date it, write it and continue along your way. In time you will look over your notes and find some remarkable information that may help you in your search for your highest good.

Here are some notes from my journal. Obviously I am being guided to open my third chakra as I am experiencing some difficulties with digestion.

Friday, March 15, 2013: Meditation: I am given a message: Your body is a ball of energy and you have a duty of care to monitor how you are treating it.

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Meditation: I see myself flying over what looks like water, maybe a canal, maybe bogs- I am unsure and just float with it then a bright red box appears on my screen with white block letters SUGAR CANE then I am told to remember to learn the metabolic rate of foods eaten- it ends.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013: Meditation: I was given an image of a silhouette of a human with a glow of bright yellow tinged with green- and then a male voice said "When I look upon your auric field, this is what I see...USE IT!" 

 By looking back over the journal I can see how clearly I am being guided to focus my attention on the foods I am eating. I bought a stalk of raw sugar cane and I am using it grated into my foods. (You can find these at health food markets-who knew?) I have looked at my protein sources, and being a vegetarian, I tend to rely on soy based foods. Now I am switching to high metabolic foods such as almonds, yogurt, beans and berries to name a few.

By listening to the messages given and FOLLOWING the guidance we can develop our gifts. In this case I need to do this in order to raise my vibration. Metabolism needs to be raised in order to be my "highest good" for myself and the universe. This in itself is spiritual development because my body is not functioning properly. As I am working on raising my metabolic rate, this will help with my digestion thus making my channel stronger.

Begin to listen to the guidance easily and readily available to ALL.  Use meditation to become the very best you can. 
To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day