Are you a seeker? Do you read books, follow podcasts, attend work-shops, join groups, get readings, attend development circles, etc.,? If you do than you are a part of a phenomenon that is sweeping our planet. A massive WAKE UP is happening around the globe. Exploring and uncovering every tid bit of information regarding metaphysics. Constantly searching to better understand our role and how we fit into the makeup and fiber of our universe.
I myself have been exploring and gathering knowledge for many years. Always and inquisitive person, I was constantly raising my hand in class to the groans of my fellow students who wanted the lesson to be over. Questioning and exploring is all well and good but there comes a time when we need to take what we have learned and apply it. This is exactly why I began this blog on how to meditate. Meditation has unlocked information that I was unable to find in books, work-shops or podcasts. This information came from my higher self and was designed especially for me. When you go into meditation your information will be unique and especially for you…this is how it works.
It was through a recent meditation that I was given the following and I wanted to share it with you:
"Point in fact...Over the years many spirits that were once in human form have connected with gifted mediums. They are moving forward on their journeys and love to stop by to lend support and chat, but keep in mind that while on earth many have never heard of or practiced "chakras, auras, cutting cords, meditation, past-life regression, astral traveling, manifestation, astrology, numerology, etc. It only goes to prove that YOUR JOURNEY IS YOUR JOURNEY.
They are quite happy beings for never knowing the difference. They are moving in a vibration different then our own, but many are fine with never having done any of this seeking while in physical form. If you are someone that wishes to peruse these things then do it… If you choose to sit back and quietly observe then do it! Life is full of choices and we all have FREE WILL as did they. THIS IS THE PARTY--so enjoy life everyday:)"
I hope you continue to hunt and gather, seeking to better yourself for the highest good of the universe. Be sure to stop and soak in all that you have learned and pass it along. Your journey is priceless in the scheme of all that you will ever acquire so ENJOY IT!
To learn how to begin meditation. Please read How to Begin
I myself have been exploring and gathering knowledge for many years. Always and inquisitive person, I was constantly raising my hand in class to the groans of my fellow students who wanted the lesson to be over. Questioning and exploring is all well and good but there comes a time when we need to take what we have learned and apply it. This is exactly why I began this blog on how to meditate. Meditation has unlocked information that I was unable to find in books, work-shops or podcasts. This information came from my higher self and was designed especially for me. When you go into meditation your information will be unique and especially for you…this is how it works.
It was through a recent meditation that I was given the following and I wanted to share it with you:
"Point in fact...Over the years many spirits that were once in human form have connected with gifted mediums. They are moving forward on their journeys and love to stop by to lend support and chat, but keep in mind that while on earth many have never heard of or practiced "chakras, auras, cutting cords, meditation, past-life regression, astral traveling, manifestation, astrology, numerology, etc. It only goes to prove that YOUR JOURNEY IS YOUR JOURNEY.
They are quite happy beings for never knowing the difference. They are moving in a vibration different then our own, but many are fine with never having done any of this seeking while in physical form. If you are someone that wishes to peruse these things then do it… If you choose to sit back and quietly observe then do it! Life is full of choices and we all have FREE WILL as did they. THIS IS THE PARTY--so enjoy life everyday:)"

I hope you continue to hunt and gather, seeking to better yourself for the highest good of the universe. Be sure to stop and soak in all that you have learned and pass it along. Your journey is priceless in the scheme of all that you will ever acquire so ENJOY IT!
To learn how to begin meditation. Please read How to Begin