
Friday, February 22, 2013

Raising Your Vibration Through Scent

Have you ever had a scent float across your path and find yourself startled by the wonderful memory it brought? A few days ago as I was doing my meditation a scent of Lilly of the Valley appeared. I immediately thought of my mother and my heart began to beat a little faster. Memories of her gardening came flooding back. I found myself watching images appear as if I was viewing my childhood home. Mom hanging wash, dad in his upholstery shop while my sisters and I stopped to admire the Lilly of the Valleys growing along the pathway.

I finished the meditation and felt a wave of love wash over me. For my mother – for my wonderful carefree days as young girl picking flowers, and for the flowers themselves. How magical that they contain a scent that makes me bubble up with love.

This aroma and the energy it brings actually raises your vibration. You are lifted into a beautiful space of love and appreciation for the wonders of this earth. Do you have a special scent that awakens something deep within you?

And so I took the next step and purchased a bottle of Lilly of the Valley essential oil. Placing it into water held by one of my mother's favorite vases made it feel even more intimate. It now sits beside me while I work. How lovely that we can all find this magic for ourselves.

Find the scent that raises your vibration and keep it near you if you can. It may be the smell of rain, go for a walk in it! It may be baked goods, visit a bakery! Whatever it is learn to connect to this wonderful energy of scent and allow yourselves to be carried to that space of peace that is waiting for you.
To learn how you can  meditate please read Meditation Mojo.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Crystal Channeling in a Watercolour

I found myself swimming through an amethyst a few mornings ago. Last week I had asked for some help in discovering which guide was helping me with my art.

Here is my journal entry:
Meditation: I placed an amethyst upon my third eye and began my meditation. I ask for the help of the amethyst in connecting with my higher self. I am now seeing what appears to be a tunnel of shimmering amethyst and I am flowing through it. Shimmering water appears. I see a watercolor I am currently working on. It is of a blue heron against teal water. I am taken into the water as if I am able to dive beneath the surface of this paper- it is still paper yet it is the sea of teal blue.  An Asian man in sunglasses is leaning against a rail. He kind of looks like he is grinning and watching me.  He is painted into the picture but I do not recognize him. The meditation ends. After the meditation I realized I did not paint the man in my watercolour and I have not finished the painting yet. Who was he? Is he who has been helping me paint, surely someone seems to be urging me on...

The artwork you see above is part of a series I have been painting. I am being led to sell my work to benefit wildlife. A seabird sanctuary nearby is unable to continue helping the many shore birds entangled in nets, crippled by boats and jet skis and just harmed by humans out for a good time. I will be in an art show this coming weekend. All profits will go "to the birds." I sincerely hope that I may help raise awareness and donations for this sanctuary. I believe the gentlemen in the meditation is a guide that is helping me. I am thankful to ALL of my guides and the crystals who are assisting me.

Crystals are amazing entities that enjoy lending their energy. Find one that speaks to you and perhaps you'll be led to lend your gifts to encourage harmony within our planet. To find out how to use crystals in meditation please read Crystal Pathways
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If you would like to purchase art or make a donation to this wonderful cause please drop me a line. Here is their website.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crystals Speak During Meditation

Crystals are wonderful friends that delight in lending their energy. Our connection with them is as natural as breathing as we are all part of earth...we are all part of IS. We are one.

Using crystals in meditation is particularly beneficial as it allows the stones to lend support as they blend their energy with your own. This blending creates a sort of bond between you. You will begin to notice yourself smiling every time you are near them. When this happens always remember to greet them and THANK them.

During your opening invocation as you begin your meditation, it is always good to set your intention. When working with crystals during meditation I always mention them by name and ask for their help. When closing I offer my thanks. Thanking them bathes them in respect and gratitude. This they will give back to each of you in abundance.

Here is a snippet from a recent meditation journal. As you can see meditation can bring you little road maps to help you along your journey.

Thursday, November 1, Meditation: I asked for a message for my spouse Dean. I asked for his guides to come forward to help me communicate something for his highest good. I also asked for help with his migraines he seems to get from time to time.
A man with white hair in a ponytail stood before me looking down at his sandaled feet- he had blue jeans on and a white shirt- he told me that I need to place Moo-kite under Dean's desk, and next to his feet. I said "you mean marcasite?"  Laughing he replied “I will help you carry it back.”
I asked if there were any more messages. A voice spoke, “He needs to drink more water, cut down on the coffee.” I was about to thank them and the voice said “And you too!”

After finishing the meditation I did a bit of research. I was spelling it phonetically as I was unfamiliar with it. I found what I was looking for. Mookaite is an Australian Jasper which comes from Mooka Creek in the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia. I bought several chunks (see photo above large veined rock top left ) and one now sits under his desk and under the foot of his side of the bed. The migraines are becoming fewer. If you want to know more about this stone here is more information. Mookaite.

Sunday, January 27,  Meditation: FULL MOON
While holding Amethyst and Lapis I asked for help in developing my spiritual gifts. I asked for guidance through these tools to help open me for a stronger spiritual connection with my higher self. I was sort of floating in darkness and then I heard my own voice speaking over and over saying "Mie-a-night, Mie-a-night, Mie-a-night...I said "Huh, you mean like the myans? This kind of threw me and I reply "No, I'm asking about this Lapis and Amethyst. Can you please help me align with their energy to help me learn? Please teach me." Again "Mie-a-night, Mie-a-night, Mie-a-night," repeats and this time it is louder – also there is a bit of chuckling and laughter.  I thanked my guides and crystals and started to hunt for Mieanight.
Again I was spelling it incorrectly and couldn't find it. Then later during a walk I remembered myself saying "Like the Mayans?" Sure enough I found it. Mayanite. I had never heard of this stone and the fact that it was given to me during meditation when I asked for help with my development assured me it was the answer to all I was seeking. I purchased a piece (pictured above it is the gold colored crystal) and I now sit in meditation with it. A remarkable stone to be sure. If you want to know more about this amazing quartz that has only recently been discovered here is some information. Mayanite

Connecting with the beautiful energies of crystals will raise your vibration. When this occurs you will find yourself drawn to nature. Begin using crystals today and listen to what they have to say. They are quite powerful, insightful and extremely loving. Keep them near you, wear them and take them along as you walk this earth. They will reward you with an incredible blessing and when they do – always remember to give them the thanks they so richly deserve.
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To learn how you can meditate please read my book Sæ-sii Meditation: How to Find Your Bliss in 15 Minutes a Day