Why is it that the people who fuss and coo over their pets think nothing of eating a form of life that was butchered and cooked to provide them a meal? I have even been in the company of some die-hard animal rights advocates who were discussing their next protest while ordering their steaks well-done. If you can eat a cow why not a horse?
In 2005 while I was traveling in Israel. The food was ordered family style and began to appear on platters. Meat on a stick was the entree. We were told it was beef, chicken and lamb. Everything I sampled tasted exactly the same. It was day two with eight more to go. The landscape was breathtaking but I kept stepping over feral cats that seemed to pour out of the cracks. Every photo opportunity had groups of wild cats appearing. Many had missing body parts and were oozing liquid from their eyes and ears. They looked quite sickly. I just couldn't help wondering if they were serving cat in the restaurants. That was the last day I ate meat of any kind. It just all seemed like "flesh" that was once living and breathing and now on my dish. Yes, it's a personal choice and I do not fault anyone eating meat– I want to make this very clear, however I do often wonder about the fine line of some of the choices made regarding the welfare of animals on this planet.

I live in the Florida Keys where hunting for lobster is quite an attraction during Mini-Lobster Season. People come from around the world to net these crustaceans and I really dread this event. There is supposed to be a limit of only 6 lobster per day per person in our waters. Now let me ask you this...who is going to haul their boat, pay for hotel and meals plus fuel for only 6 measly lobsters a day? People come in droves to snatch their bodies off the ocean floors and I doubt if the authorities has enough man power to enforce the rules. And so as I was sitting in a salon recently getting my hair cut I was sickened by the conversation. I was staring at photos of the beautician's pet poodle plastered on the mirror before me. They were discussing how they don't like to actually watch the killing, but they love to eat them.
"You just pop their heads off," said the one lady.
"I know but they still scream even after their heads are off. Their heads are lying beside me screaming while I have their bodies in my hands," laughs the other.
"Yes, but they taste so good and the smaller they are the sweeter they taste."
"Yes, but there are rules you cannot take them under 3" because they need to get bigger."
"Well did you see the one in the paper the other day? It was so huge and my husband said they should have left it because big ones breed bigger lobsters?"
So let me get this straight, came my thought, they shouldn't eat the big ones so they can go back and breed bigger ones for them to eat?
Something does not feel right here. I know of people that spend loads of money on pets. Special diets, special toys and many cannot bare to leave them alone. They play music for them and dress them in little clothes. But these same people think nothing of eating animals. Would they eat a Dolphin or a Panda? Who made the rules of what is ok to eat and what is taboo? Man. Man has taken it upon himself to be the decider of who gets to live freely and who gets to arrive on his plate.
My meditation continues to teach that we are all part of something greater than ourselves. We are united with everything on this planet- every rock, plant and animal...and yes even lobsters.
Choose wisely and think about this connection. No one is advocating that we all become vegans- but we need to be careful about our respect for life. Man may think he rules over this planet. Let a storm wash away all he owns and let him sit upon the shore without material possession or family...or his poodle and let him think again.
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